Tips nonton You Tube tanpa Buffering

Dijamin SANGAT LEBIH CEPAT dibanding pake ByWifi !!! Uda gw testing ampe berkali2... TRUST ME JURAGAN !!!

Yaitu pake: Speedbit Video Accelerator

Kita ngebut aja, langsung DONLOD Gan:
Sumber link di atas: :

[WAJIB TAU gan] DAFTAR WEBSITE YG DIsupport ama ni program (supaya nonton videonya ga cuma dari youtube doang):

Tips biar lebih maknyus lagie!!! MAU MAU MAU ??? Check This out Gan...

0. Pertama2, SANGAT DISARANKAN (Gw malah memaksa) bagi para juragan nonton video hanya lewat Firefox, karena klo gak, teknik ini ga jalan dan ga maximum!

1. Donlod dulu AddOn Firefox, namanya "GREASEMONKEY" dari web ini (tinggal pencet tombol download):

2. Udah??? Lalu buka web ini, dan pencet tombol install, nanti ada kotak, pencet tombol install lagi... Lalu refresh video youtube yg lagi kalian tonton!!! Itu skrip Youtube Enhancer.

3. Nah, di bawah video kan ada muncul tulisan View In very low quality (flv), nah itu DIPENCET!!! Abis itu, ada angka 640, 960, dan lain2 itu untuk ngubah ukuran video... Ada gbr tengkorak untuk menghentikan buffering, dan ad juga tombol lampu supaya latar youtube jadi gelap.... Tapi yg wajib dipencet biar bufferingnya cepet yaitu tombol View In very low quality (flv) !!!

4. klo ud pencet tombol View In very low quality (flv), liat, di kanan bawah, ada kotak buffering kan? Nah, itu ud jalan brarti POWERFUL BUFFERING-nya...... haha.. ENJOY!! Klo inet u kuat, pencet yg high quality ato yg medium juga gpp, ga maksa koq gan gw.. ^^

5. Mau ngilangin kotak gede di kanan bawah yg tulisannya buffering (kotak dari speedbitnya)?? KLik kanan di kanan bawah yg icon speedbit, lalu pencet setting, lalu jangan centangin "show now accerlerating message". SELESAI DEH......

Penting!!! (Hanya untuk yang mau lebih cepat lagi) :

Menggunakan DNS Google !!! Tujuan: Mempercepat ping youtube ke komputer kita (uda saya buktikan).
caranya: Buka control panel -> Network Connection -> Local area network (double click local area network yg connected) -> klik properties -> doble click tcp/ip -> klik use the following dns address -> masukin preferred: -> masukin alternate:

0. Kalo misal windows yg ga pake SpeedBit dibandingin sama linux, lebih cepetan linux bufferingnya... Tapi kalo windows dipake-in SpeedBit dibandingin dgn linux, masih lebih cepet Windows... (Berdasarkan percobaan saya dgn linux fedora yg fresh install)...

1. Berdasarkan penelitian saya, justru dengan firefox yg diutak atik about:config nya (settingan config firefox) semisal ininya diutak atik :
- network.http.pipelining
- content.notify.interval
- content.notify.ontimer
- content.switch.threshold
MALAH MEMBUAT kinerja SPEEDBIT-NYA SEMAKIN MELEMAH !!! (aneh, tapi ud gw buktikan!!!)
So, pakelah firefox yg NORMAL (GA DIUTAK ATIK) supaya lebih cepat...

2. Kalo U pake speedbit + ByWifi ato ditambh dgn program buffering lainnya, malah tambah lemot!! So, pake speedbit aja! ByWifinya di uninstall aja.

3. Settingan Run -> system.ini kalo diutak atik, malah melambatkan buffering... Rekomendasi gw, system.ini ga usah diutak atik!

4. Gw pake SPEEDY FAMILY........ Mantap koq gan bufferingnya.

5. Coba tingkatkan di klik kanan My computer -> properties -> di bagian performance pencet tombol settings -> masuk tab advanced -> pnct tombol change -> ganti initial sama maximum size jadi 3000 lalu pencet tombol set lalu ok-in.

6. Teknik system.ini bagi yg penasaran!!!

7. Teknik Ngutak ngatik firefox bagi yg penasaran!!

8. Liat2 Video Youtube tentang ningkatin buffering bagi yg penasaran!! (ga smuanya teknik baru, dan coba liat2 related videosnya untuk liat2 video lbh bnyk lagi) + cari2 lagi aja di youtube klo yg masi penasaran.

9. Liat2 Hasil searching di google tentang meningkatkan kecepatan youtube bagi yg penasaran.

Info tambahan Bahasa Inggris

1. If the playtime of a given sequence is smaller than the time needed for downloading this sequence. Differently said, if your Ethernet line is too slow. No matter your buffer size is, if you empty the buffer faster than you fill it, you will experience a freeze from time to time.

2. The most basic media playing applications like WMP or Quicktime have settings to increase the buffer size.
Increasing the buffer size will also increase the time you have to wait before your movie starts playing.

3. One possibility to increase buffering speed could be going from a wireless connection to a wired(cable) connection, of course assuming that you are even using wireless.

In some programs, such as Windows Media Player, you can raise the buffer and might get some performance increase. In Windows Media Player:

1. Depending on the Windows Media Player view, you will have to take different actions to get to the proper dialog box. This assumes that you are in the default Full mode view.
2. Right click the title bar and select Tools and then Options.
3. Click the Performance tab.
4. Set the desired changes in the Network Buffering section.

Buffering is just storing content before the media starts playing. Some will notice a short pause before the media plays and this is just the application saving data in hopes that small network dips will not be noticed. The ultimate solution is of course getting more bandwidth. If you are tiring to watch a HD movie on a 56k modem connection no amount of buffering will help you unless you download the entire movie before you play it. Getting more bandwidth usually means paying your ISP more money for a better plan.

4. Playing Video in Windows Media Player

5. Reducing Broadcast Delay

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